Colorado Energy Office

Lotus recently worked with the CEO to complete an ArcGIS StoryMap website titled Rebuild, Re-energize, Recover Colorado. This website provides an overview of climate action work across Colorado and provides communities with resources to get started on taking climate action now! Check out the map below of large emitting facilities in CO, click the +/- to zoom in and out, and click on the circles to find out more information on the facilities, including which coal-fired power plants are closing in the next 10 years!

Lotus has conducted research focused on the financial, legal, technical, and communication barriers that are currently hindering the expansion of energy performance contracting in rural and small communities while creating a new approach that utilizes local and international best practices. Additionally, Lotus has evaluated low-income Community Solar Demonstration projects and their impact on energy burden, approaches for replicability, and overall effectiveness of reducing the energy burden. Lotus has also worked closely with the CEO on energy performance contracting. Here are some links to specific case studies: Delta-Montrose Electric Association, Empire Electric Association, Fort Collins Utility, Grand Valley Power, Holy Cross Energy, San Miguel Power Association, and Yampa Valley Electric Association.

Hillary’s ability to simultaneously manage project deliverables and keep team members on task while exercising her creativity to develop new programs is a unique skill set. Hillary knows how to manage and motivate to get the best out of her clients and collaborators. She is a delight to work with and will see any project through to a successful conclusion.
— Angie Fyfe, Executive Director, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability USA
Emily was instrumental in the success of our (Colorado Energy Office) Energy Management Assistance Program. She provided key technical support to Colorado K-12 schools and her work lead to measurable energy savings and environmental benefits for program participants.
— Michael Turner, Energy Efficiency Programs Manager at the Colorado Energy Office