City and County of Denver | Energize Denver Equity Priority Buildings Facilitation Services

Energize Denver Equity Priority Buildings Facilitation Services

Lotus worked with the Energize Denver at the City and County of Denver to engage equity priority building owners. The purpose of engagement efforts was to inform building owners about forthcoming regulations and requirements for small buildings through the Energize Denver program and gather insight into specific tools, resources, and other supports Denver may be able to offer to support building owners in meeting the requirements. Lotus conducted a detailed analysis of stakeholders and built relationships with local community-based organizations and cultural brokers to plan engagement activities and share these opportunities with the intended audiences.

Lotus facilitated a number of engagements, including in-person focus groups, virtual focus groups, informational interviews, and listening sessions. All engagements were planned with a focus on equity, including providing participant stipends, food, and childcare while ensuring all materials and presentations were translated and interpreted into languages most appropriate for the audiences. Lotus developed a final report summarizing engagements and providing recommendations and guidance to Denver on opportunities to improve services and resources for equity priority building owners to better compel compliance with Energize Denver requirements. Denver is currently implementing many of the recommendations in A final report.