Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) | Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

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Climate Pollution Reduction Grant

DRCOG was awarded a $1 million Climate Pollution Reduction Grant from the Environmental Protection Agency and hired Lotus as the sole contractor to fulfill the requirements of the grant including a Priority Climate Action Plan and Comprehensive Climate Action Plan. To date Lotus has led and facilitated multiple community and stakeholder engagements, facilitated an equity subcommittee, and completed 12 separate county-level GHG inventories for the region. The PCAP also included strategy GHG emissions reductions and cost modeling and an all-day implementation details workshop that brought together representatives from communities all across the 12 county region to plan out implementation details for the 8 PCAP strategies. Work is now underway for the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan, which will include strategies for all sectors of the GHG emissions inventory, as well as additional cost and GHG modeling and stakeholder and community engagement.