GHG Accounting

 We develop defensible and transparent GHG emission inventories

Lotus creates defensible inventories that identify all sectors, sources, and activities responsible for greenhouse gas emissions.

Chart showing total BASIC emissions by sector. The sectors include Transportation, residential buildings, and commercial and industrial buildings.

We provide the foundational data for climate action.

Believing firmly that you can't manage what you don't measure, Lotus provides clients with clear, defensible, and actionable data.  Out transparent and visually appealing data worksheets do not require service fees and can be customized to each clients branding or needs.

Spreadsheet image showing all emissions by sectors.
Spreadsheet image showing stationary energy emission factor data

We are diligent about tracking and collecting data.

We are diligent about collecting accurate data. We are well versed in data capture and tracking limitations, and we understand the common barriers to GHG accounting. Through our expertise, we have developed creative, transparent approaches to collecting accurate data.

Image of a map built in the ArcGIS system.

We consider all GHG emission sources, even carbon removals.

Lotus has helped clients understand not only their emissions but also net removal trends through land use and land use change.  Forestry and land use planning are a critical, and sometimes under-recognized, tool for our clients to combat climate change.

Aerial photo of the wooden framework for a new residential home construction

Life Cycle & Embodied Carbon

We’ve helped clients understand and account for carbon emissions released during the full life cycle of construction activity within the construction or built environment sector. Embodied carbon accounting looks at everything from the product selection phase through the end of life phase when that building or project  is deconstructed.  We’ve helped communities develop policies to promote or incentivize lower carbon sources of raw materials as well as the end of life phase in terms of the requirements for deconstruction.

Image of fossil fuel drilling

We’ve helped clients understand consumption based emissions.  

Consumption based emissions inventories look at the behavior, activity and choices of a community in terms of the goods and services that they purchase. Some of the most common examples of consumption based emissions include the Upstream emissions of fossil fuels such as natural gas and gasoline.  They also typically include upstream emissions of the food that is consumed within a community as well as Downstream emissions from product use all the way to disposal, recycling, or reuse.

CDP logo

We provide training so our clients can perform their own inventories in-house.

We purposefully create inventories that are easy for the client to update. In addition, we help train our clients on how to update inventories through inventory management plans, process improvement plans, and one-on-one training. We’ve helped clients achieve CDP’s A-List communities by preparing their greenhouse gas emissions inventories, and completing their questionnaire.