Hillary Dobos

president and owner

Hillary's passion for sustainability started at Bowdoin College while studying the economic, environmental, and social issues surrounding lobster and alewife fisheries in Maine. Since then Hillary has worked continually in the environmental field-driven mostly by the love of the environment and problem-solving. Before becoming a co-owner at Lotus, Hillary loved working at the Colorado Energy Office, NREL, and Cascadia Consulting Group. Hillary has her BA from Bowdoin College in Economics and Art History and her MBA from the University of Colorado-Boulder. She is a proud Denver-native.

The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
— Henry Miller

Fun Facts

Favorite Things

The chaos my kids create, traveling with my husband, my sisters laugh, bouncy balls, spring weather, jigsaw puzzles, David Attenborough, beetles, Women's World Cups (been to almost all of them!)

Life Goals

Learn to tap dance. Become an amateur entomologist. Time to read every National Geographic magazine written.

Random Fact

Hillary reads on average several books a week. Best reads in Q2 2024 so far: Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros, Godkiller by Hannah Kaner