Natalie Cross
Research Associate II
Natalie grew up in Oklahoma, witnessing firsthand the increasing intensity of springtime tornado events. This awareness of the consequences of a changing climate paralleled her growing appreciation for the natural world, spurred by her family’s love of exploring national parks. She chose to pursue a degree in Environmental Science at Colorado College, in hopes of learning more about the implications of climate change on the environment.
At college, Natalie interned at her school’s Office of Sustainability, leading the annual college-wide emissions inventory process. In this role, she strengthened her data analysis skills and learned many science communication tactics. For her senior thesis project, she focused on the micrometeorology of semi-arid grasslands in order to research the manifestations of climate change in the natural world. This experience gave her GIS and coding skills, and sparked her curiosity in the connections between human-induced climate change and ecology.
Natalie is excited for this role in solutions-based climate work; she is ecstatic to utilize her background in environmental science and greenhouse gas accounting to help clients reach their sustainability goals and participate in climate change mitigation.
“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
Fun Facts
Favorite things
Summer thunderstorms, the view from a mountain peak, baking brownies, taking a nap in my hammock, exploring new places, driving with the windows down.
Life goals
Travel to every country on my bucket list, gain fluency in at least one other language, read more books and take more photos, and become an interior design expert.
Favorite places
Rocky Mountain National Park (specifically Wild Basin), the Bund in Shanghai, the Lingering Garden in Suzhou, Ihwa Mural Village in Seoul, my backyard in Tulsa in the springtime.